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In July 2022, Teck Guan introduced its comprehensive No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) Policy, designed to promote an environmentally and socially responsible palm oil sector. Central to this Policy is its broad reach, encompassing not only its own facilities but also joint ventures and third-party suppliers irrespective of ownership stakes.

No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation Policy

No development of High Carbon Stock

(HCS Forest)

No development of High Conservation Value

(HCV) Areas

Strictly adhere to our no-burn policy, in line with the RSPO commitment stated in Principle 5.5.

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas

(GHG) Emissions

Spotlight on No Exploitation: The 'E' in NDPE

Valuing the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities

Workers' rights

Engaging closely with smallholders can significantly improve rural livelihoods and boost overall well-being.

Other sustainability-related policies

Beyond our No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation Policy, we require all our global operations to comply with these policies:

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